Learning and Practicing Research
Coordination + feedback sessions for research master students (2022 - now)
International Finance and Development
Lectures + tutorials + coordination for master students (2019 - now)
Country Studies
Feedback sessions for master students (2018 - 2022)
Global Political Economy
Tutorial sessions for bachelor students (2019 - 2021)
Research Paper
Lectures for bachelor students (2018 - 2020)
Foreign Direct Investment, Trade and Geography
Tutorials for bachelor students (2017 - 2020)
Employment and Gender in the Netherlands
Guest lectures for the summer and winter schools (2019)
Foreign Direct Investment and Trade
Lectures + tutorials for master students (2018)
International Economics
Tutorials for bachelor students (2018)

Panel Data Econometrics
Tutorials for master students (2017)
Gender and Aid
Seminars for master students (2016)
Gender and Development
Tutorials for master students (2015)
Development Economics II
Tutorials for master students (2015)
Introduction to Development Economics
Tutorials for bachelor students (2014)
Information Economics
Tutorials for master students (2013)